Saskatchewan Marijuana Laws.

Together with the other provinces in Canada, the marijuana laws in Saskatchewan have now been altered permitting all adult residents the right to grow and possess a limited amount of plants and dried buds for personal use. The laws governing the smoking of marijuana in public have also been amended, allowing its use, except in areas close to children, and where public smoking of any kind is prohibited.

With these recent amendments to the laws, many people are now considering growing their own marijuana for the very first time, and with a wealth of strains available, selecting the best marijuana seeds to grow can be confusing. We have several, high quality strains for sale, perfect for new and inexperienced growers, as well as medical, recreational and ‘cash-crop’ growers.

Growing Marijuana Seeds in Saskatchewan.

Bordered to the South by the U.S. states of Montana and North Dakota, the Canadian province of Saskatchewan can enjoy warm Summer’s and very cold Winter’s, especially in the extreme north and south parts of the province. Growing marijuana outdoors in these conditions can be challenging, and selecting the right seeds and strains is paramount to a successful harvest.

Feminized marijuana seeds are the most common form of marijuana seeds available, devoid of any male chromosomes, each seed is guaranteed to produce a pure, female-only plant. Traditionally, feminized marijuana seeds grown outdoors wouldn’t begin to flower until the daily hours of sunlight reduced to around 12 hours per day. With a further 8-10 weeks required for the plants to fully flower and mature, the conditions can became too cold for the plants, reducing the quality and often leading to ‘bud-rot’ and mold developing.

However, many outdoor growers now cultivate autoflowering marijuana seeds, instead of the traditional varieties. Feminized and producing buds similar to their conventional feminized counter-parts, these pure female seeds have the ability to flower without the need for regular hours of darkness, making them a perfect choice for Summer growing. By simultaneously growing and flowering over an average of 9 weeks, autoflowering seeds planted in mid-Spring, will develop over the Summer, and be ready to harvest before the climate becomes too cold and damp for complete maturity.

Requiring very little knowledge or previous experience, autoflowering seeds are the quickest and easiest means of growing marijuana in Saskatchewan. Enjoy good quality harvests in a super-fast time, with all the flavor and benefits of traditional buds, but without the wait, hassle and stress.

With many new and exciting autoflowering seeds now available, choose from one of our highly recommended strains.

NYC Diesel Auto Seeds
Early Miss Autoflowering Seeds
NYC Diesel Autoflowering Seeds

Recommended Medical Marijuana Seeds.

Buy CBD Dutch Treat Seeds

With many trials currently being conducted around the world, science is beginning to conclude that marijuana may have a place in medicine. Reports have shown that one chemical, CBD, found in marijuana, could have potential medicinal properties for certain conditions and ailments.

Many people wishing to use marijuana for medical purposes don’t want to feel ‘high’, and so a selection of strains have been created, high in CBD, but with a reduced THC content, perfect for medicinal, daily use. CB Dutch Treat is one of our highest recommended medical strains, with an average 8% CBD and a low 4% THC content.

Considered an easy indoor marijuana plant to grow and cultivate, CB Dutch Treat is a Sativa dominant Haze strain requiring between 9-10 weeks to fully flower and mature, making growing outdoors in parts of Canada almost impossible.

Highly recommended for medical users, the low THC content leaves the user with a slightly energized, euphoric feeling, while the concentrated levels of CBD provides powerful relieve from chronic pain and fatigue. Find out more about CB Dutch Treat Marijuana Seeds.

Growing Marijuana Indoors in Saskatchewan

With each household now legally permitted to grow up to four marijuana plants, many people are constructing purpose built growing areas to provide fresh, high quality marijuana all year round. Although more expensive to begin with, once the necessary purchases such as lights, fans and air extraction have been made, the general running costs are a fraction of the cost compared to the amount of potent marijuana that can be produced.

In general, indoor cultivated marijuana is of higher quality than buds cultivated outdoors. Greater control over temperature, humidity and light-hours, can assist in producing superior quality buds, and with the ability to control this environment, many different strains can be produced, many that would be almost impossible to grow outdoors in Canada, due to their longer flowering period.

Although growing indoors can be made simple, with the use of timers controlling the light hours and air-flow, it also allows for a number of different growing methods to be utilized to maximize the potential yield and quality of your crop. Hydroponics can produce greater yields than traditional ‘pot-culture’ while additional CO2 can enhance growth and bud size.

With a wide and varied selection of feminized marijuana seeds available, choose the taste and ‘high’ that suits your needs best. Sativa dominant strains require slightly longer to completely mature compared to Indica varieties, while generating a more energizing, euphoric high. Indica strains provide powerful pain relief and are often used as a night-time smoke due to their relaxing and sedative properties.

With many indoor strains available, choose from a wide selection of feminized indoor marijuana seeds and produce the highest quality buds all year round.

Feminized Seeds
Cali OG Kush Haze Feminized Seeds
Gelato Feminized Seeds
Cali OG Kush Haze Feminized Seeds

If you decide to grow marijuana in Saskatchewan, use the highest quality seeds possible. Good quality seeds may be slightly more expensive but the return in high quality buds more than makes up for any extra costs. Crop King are Canada’s leading supplier of Cannabis and Marijuana seeds, offering a wide selection of seeds, strains and payment payments, and are highly recommended.

Find out more about buying marijuana seeds in Saskatchewan, Canada at Crop King Seeds.

Buy Marijuana Seeds In Canada