G13 Feminized Cannabis Seeds.
A strain steeped in mystery with an unknown past or original creators. Who knows? Some say the American government created it, others say it was scientific ‘cash-crop’ growers. All we know is it’s a great strain to grow and enjoy.
With its squat, bushy shape and reduced height, the structure of the plants displays classic Indica dominant traits. While the thin, long leaf-blades are displays of a Sativa dominance. A completely stable and feminized strain, it can be successfully cultivated indoors or outside.
With the plants achieving an average height of approximately 1 meter when fully mature, G13 Feminized Marijuana seeds are perfect for Sea-of-Green and Screen-of-Green growing techniques. Both maximize the potential yield from a limited sized, indoor growing area.
If you live in a warm, sunny climate, such as the southern parts of the USA, you may be able to grow these G13 Feminized Marijuana seeds outdoors. Allow the plants plenty of room to spread and develop, producing the biggest, per-plant yields.
A great choice of strain for all levels of experience, with a little care and attention these female plants can produce large, heavy yields of deliciously aromatic buds. Now available for sale online. Discover for yourself just why the G13 Marijuana strain is so popular.
G13 Marijuana Strain Review.
Most growers and smokers have heard of the G13 Marijuana strain. Its power, potency and incredible yields have made it a firm favorite across much of Canada, the USA and Europe. With a little care, patience and attention, these feminized Cannabis seeds for sale produce the highest quality buds.
G13 Feminized Marijuana seeds are perfect for maximizing yields and harvests. Squat and bushy with multiple budding sites, they can yield as much as 600 grams per square meter when cultivated indoors.
In warm, Mediterranean style climates, G13 Feminized Marijuana seeds can produce extremely large buds and heavy yields. Per-plant harvests of over 1000 grams are easily achievable, given good growing conditions.
The combination of both Sativa and Indica genetics have produced a hardy and resilient plant, resistant to many diseases and pests that can affect the plant growth. The buds are large, dense and have a delicious aroma of berries, earth and skunk.
A potent and powerful strain with a fast-acting high, G13 Marijuana can leaving you feeling relaxed and sedated for hours. A great strain for reducing pain, stress and depression, it can also combat insomnia and assist in restful sleep.
Benefits of buying feminized Cannabis Seeds online in the USA.
G13 Feminized Seeds
Buy G13 Feminized Marijuana Seeds.
You can buy G13 Feminized Marijuana seeds online in a choice of 3 packet sizes.
Enjoy secure payment options and guaranteed shipping to all parts of Canada and the USA.
All purchases are dispatched by Crop King, a leading Cannabis and Marijuana seed bank.
Find a wide variety of Feminized and Autoflowering seeds.
USA customers, find the latest Marijuana Seed Deals online.
FAST Shipping to USA and Canada guaranteed
No reference to marijuana or cannabis seeds is made
All weed seeds are discreetly packed
Orders are shipped within 2 business days
Every pot seed is checked for quality
Delivery guaranteed on all products
Guaranteed germination conditions:
If you follow Crop Kings germination instructions exactly and your cannabis seeds do not germinate, then they will be replaced for free.
NOTICE: You may be asked to send back the ungerminated cannabis seeds.
Cannabis Seeds For Sale $65 - $240

Product Name: G13 Feminized
Product Description: A powerful and sedative form of Marijuana, perfect for night-time use. Often used to combat insomnia, stress, anxiety and depression. Very high THC content.
Brand: Crop King Seeds
Offer price: 65.00
Currency: USD
Availability: InStock