Free Marijuana Seeds
Last Chance Autoflowering Seed Sale.
The Last Chance Auto seed sale begins today and continues through until August 13th. This is your opportunity to double your autoflowering seed stocks at no extra cost. Find some of the very best, most popular autoflowering seeds for sale, all included in this special, buy-10-get-10 free deal.
Autoflowering seeds are the perfect choice for easy, outdoor growing. Even now, this late into the growing season, there’s still time to produce your own, high-quality crop. With a wide selection of tastes, aromas and effects, you’re sure to find a favorite strain, or two.
Taking advantage of this special offer is easy. Simply purchase a 10-seed packet, from any of the autoflowering seeds contained in this sale and a second, identical 10-seed packet will automatically be added to your order. Twenty, top-quality seeds for the price of just ten. Double your buying power and receive twice as many seeds for your dollar. With all costs included, the price you see, is the price you pay.
Don’t let the time run out. Take advantage of this special Last Chance Auto Seed Sale.
Autoflowering Marijuana Seeds.
Autoflowering seeds are a popular choice with many outdoor growers across the USA. Completely feminized, each seed is guaranteed to germinate, producing the highest-quality, pure-female plant. With many of the most-popular, top-selling varieties now available in autoflowering form, choose your favorite strain and enjoy an extra, free 10-seed packet, during this Last Chance Autoflowering seed sale.
Originally, autoflowering marijuana seeds were created by crossing well-known strains, with a wild form of hemp, known as Ruderalis. A distant relative of the cannabis and marijuana family, Ruderalis has the ability to flower under any number of light, or darkness hours. Breeding a male with a top-quality female, produced some interesting results.
At first, these new hybrid strains were considered more of a gimmick, than a means of producing high-quality marijuana. The plants were very small and weak, often generating just a few grams of bud each. Their only advantage, was the ease and speed at which they automatically grew, flowered and matured.
From these humble beginnings back in the early 1990’s, autoflowering strains began to increase in size, harvests and potency. Extensive breeding programs were undertook, reducing the Ruderalis influence, while retaining its autoflowering ability. New strains were being released, as well as development to produce ‘old-school’ classics, infused with autoflowering abilities.
Buy Ten Get Ten Free During This Last Chance Autoflowering Seed Sale.
The last ten years has seen an explosion in the popularity of autoflowering seeds and strains. Modern-day varieties are completely feminized, removing the need to sex the plants, while guaranteeing a stable, uniform crop. Once germinated and sprouted, the plants grow, flower and fully mature, regardless of the time of year, or number of daylight hours they receive.
Planted outdoors across the Summer months, autoflowering marijuana seeds can produce regular, high-quality harvests, through into the Fall. Over an average of twelve weeks, the plants grow to approximately one-meter tall, often with a round, bushy appearance. The longer and stronger the number of daylight hours, the greater and faster the plants develop and mature.
Through extensive breeding programs, modern autoflowering seeds produce buds with identical characteristics and features as their original parent strains. As demand increased, breeders began releasing new, potent hybrids, in both traditional feminized and autoflowering form. With their easy-to-grow nature, they quickly gained popularity with many outdoor growers.
With good growing conditions and techniques, autoflowering plants can yield between 5 -15 ounces each. The buds are identical to those produced by tradition marijuana plants, although the per-plant yields are lower. The biggest yields are achieved during the height of the Summer months, when the plants receive the maximum number of light-hours per-day.
Find The Widest Selection Of Autoflowering Marijuana Seeds For Sale Online.
Growing autoflowering seeds doesn’t have to stop at the end of the Summer season. In fact, many indoor growers are now choosing to buy autoflowering seeds, as a means of generating fast, easy harvests. With the plants generating identical buds to those of their feminized counter-parts, it’s almost impossible to tell the two varieties apart.
There are several advantages to growing autoflowering marijuana plants indoors. Quick and easy, they are almost guaranteed to produce a worthwhile harvest. However, with a little planning, good growing conditions and care, these plants can generate regular harvests all year round, without the need to adjust the light-hours.
A single growing area can supply fresh buds every couple of weeks when you grow autoflowering seeds indoors. Set your light-cycle to run eighteen hours per-day and plant the young, sprouted seedlings in a large-sized pot. Introduce them into the growing area regularly with a couple of weeks between each one you introduce.
Over an average twelve-weeks, the plants will grow, bud and fully mature. Harvest the plant, replacing it with a fresh, new seedling and you’ve set-up a regular harvest of top-quality buds. With no need to adjust the light-cycle, a single growing area can provide regular, generous harvests. Plant a selection of strains, adding a variety of flavors, aromas and effects.
Buy Marijuana Seeds Online During The Last Chance Auto Seed Sale.
Whatever your taste or preference, there’s an autoflowering strain to suit your needs. Flavors can be fruity, strong and bold, or more subtle, smooth and gentle. Whatever your favorite strain, there’s a autoflowering variety to match. This Last Chance Autoflowering Seed Sale contains some of our very best autoflowering marijuana seeds for sale, all included in this buy-10-get-10-free deal.
This special, time-limited offer has arrived just in time. With fast, guaranteed delivery included in the price, you’ll receive your seeds in time to produce one last, final crop of the year. Best of all with many of our top-selling autoflowering strains included in this sale, you can double your stocks at no extra cost. Receive twice the seeds, double your plants and harvests for free.
All our recommended marijuana seeds for sale are dispatched by I Love Growing Marijuana. Based in California, they are one of the USA’s leading online suppliers of high-quality marijuana seeds. Receive the very best seeds at the lowest prices, with all postage and packaging costs included in the price.
Find all our top-selling strains in this Last Chance Autoflowering Seed Sale.
Best Marijuana Seed Deals

Store Name: ILGM Seed Bank
Store Description: Originally founded in Amsterdam by Robert Bergman, ILGM Seed Bank has grown into one of USA leading Cannabis seed producers. With a wide selection of Feminized and Autoflowering Marijuana seeds for sale, they have built a trusted and reliable service.
Price range: 79.00 - 420.00
Address: 931 10th Street, #272 95354 Modesto, California USA
Telephone: (415) 906-0434