How To Grow Cannabis
Tips For Growing Autoflowering Cannabis Seeds Outdoors.
Growing Autoflowering Seeds over the last decade has increased in popularity, becoming the number-one choice for outdoor growers across the USA. Easy to grow and fast to mature, these special, self-flowering Cannabis plants can produce high-quality buds, mouth-watering flavors and generous harvests. With nature’s help, growing Autoflowering Cannabis seeds outdoors produces the cheapest per-ounce harvests.
Over time, growing styles and techniques change. Original Cannabis seeds were known as Regular seeds, producing both male and female plants, cultivated outdoors. During the late 1970’s and early 1980’s, strains became feminized, eliminating any male chromosomes, ensuring each plant was female. With the invention of high-powered lights, Cannabis cultivation moved indoors. Quality, flavor and potency levels increased.
As we moved into the 21st Century, attitudes towards Cannabis changed. Many states changed their laws, allowing residents the right to grow a limited number of plants for personal use. People began growing Cannabis outdoors, in gardens, on patios and baloneys, but with a season-long wait for harvest-time, began looking for faster, alternative ways to grow their own weed. Many seed producers began developing high-quality Autoflowering seeds as a viable alternative.
Now, twenty-years on, almost every high-quality, popular strain can be purchased as either feminized, or autoflowering seeds. The perfect choice for the outdoor grower, the pure-female plants grow, flower and fully mature over a period of 10 – 14 weeks from sprouting.
Buds are identical to those generated from traditional feminized seeds, with the same flavor, aroma and potency levels. Follow our Tips for Growing Autoflowering Cannabis seeds Outdoors and generate your own top-quality weed this coming season.
Most Popular Outdoor Autoflowering Seeds.

Gorilla Glue Autoflower
Gorilla Glue Autoflowering Seeds
A complex strain, Gorilla Glue Autoflower seeds are comprised of three different varieties blended together; Sour Dubb, Chem’s Sister and Chocolate Diesel.

Purple Punch Autoflower
Purple Punch Autoflowering Seeds
If you like terpenes, you’ll love these new feminized Autoflowering Purple Punch seeds. This lovely hybrid features more terpenes than you can count on one hand, making it a powerful punch for whatever ails you.
Runtz Autoflower
Runtz Autoflowering Seeds
This is a strain every grower needs to have in their garden, it was even named the 2020 Leafly Strain of the Year! Runtz produces buds that are compact and dense with royal purple, bright pink, emerald green, and lime shades.Top Tips For Growing Autoflowering Seeds Outdoors.
- Choose The Right Strain – There is a wide selection of Autoflowering seeds for sale, spend some time researching and finding the right seeds for your needs. Think about your reasons for growing. Are you looking for an uplifting, euphoric effect, or a more subdued, relaxing ‘body-buzz’. Is the weed for recreation or medicinal use? What flavor’s do you prefer? With such a wide choice available, buy Autoflowering seeds that suit your needs and personal tastes.Look for strains that excel in outdoor conditions. Although Autoflowering seeds were originally developed for the outdoor grower, many of the new strains produce bigger, better harvests when grown under more controlled conditions, indoors. Sativa-dominant strains can often produce larger, taller plants, generating bigger, per-plant harvests. While Indica-dominant varieties tend to be smaller, bushier and mature a week or two earlier.If you’re growing Cannabis outdoors in a cooler climate, or later into the Winter months, look for mold-resistant strains. Many new Autoflowering strains are able to cope with higher levels of moisture. This can help to reduce the chances of mold and bud-rot ruining your crop. Some varieties have a natural immunity and resistance to bugs, such as spider-mites. These strains offer a greater level of protection and increase the chances of you producing a successful harvest.
- Setting The Environment – Autoflowering seeds are very easy to grow, requiring little knowledge or previous experience to generate a high-quality yield. However, small changes, or mistakes, can make a huge difference to the final yield and quality from your plants. These plants grow fast, so be prepared! If you’re growing in a pot, ensure it’s of sufficient size and use the best quality available. For those planting directly into the soil, prepare a large hole first. Consider adding in a prepared, light mix to encourage faster root development.Cannabis is a sought-after commodity and worth money. You may be growing in a legal state and not have to worry about prosecution from the authorities, but there are still plenty of people out there who will take your plants and buds. Try to grow your plants out of sight, or camouflaged. They need as much strong, direct sunlight as possible to develop to their full potential, but not so exposed they are visible to passing strangers.During the height of the Summer months your plants may need watering every day. Cultivated in a garden, this shouldn’t be a problem. However, many ‘guerrilla growers’ plant Autoflowering seeds away from their own property, often in remote, secluded locations. Try to locate areas close to a spring, river or lake to provide water for your plants needs. Filter the water and balance the Ph levels before use.
- Feeding and Training – With their short life-cycle and combined growth/flowering pattern, Autoflowering seeds grow, bud and fully mature 10 – 14 weeks from sprouting. Place your seedlings directly into a large enough pot, or prepared area, for the entirety of their life. Do not be tempted to repot your plants as they develop, this can shock the roots and reduce bud growth and development.A good quality soil should contain all the nutrients your plants need for fast growth and development, especially during the early stages. Do not be tempted to feed your plants additional nutrients unless they are really needed. Often ‘less-is-more’ with Autoflowering seeds and over-feeding is a common mistake made by many new and inexperienced growers. Water your plants generously, but do not drown the roots or drench the soil. This only makes it more difficult for the roots to spread and grow.Allow your plants to develop naturally. There are many techniques that can help to increase yields. Often referred to as low or high-stress techniques, they use a selection of methods to alter the plant’s shape and development. Training Cannabis plants can increase yields, but most of these techniques should be avoided with Autoflowering plants, as they do not have sufficient time, or a dedicated vegetative period to recover.
- Yields and Harvesting – On average, Autoflowering Cannabis plants grow to a maximum height of one-meter. Yields can range from an ounce, to six ounces of high-quality, dried buds per-plant, depending on strain selection and conditions. Young seedlings can be planted outdoors from the start of Spring, through to the Fall, but will produce their biggest, best-quality yields during the Summer months, when they receive the strongest and longest, daily sunlight hours.Watch for color changes in the pistils and the trichome heads to turn a ‘milky’ cloudy color before harvesting. Learn to time your harvests for the best flavors and potency levels. Harvest too early and the buds will be of a reduced weight and potency. Too late and the THC will turn to CBD, inducing a ‘heavier’ more lethargic ‘high’. Watch for dry days and good weather. Harvesting outdoor plants in the rain isn’t a good idea, or much fun.Autoflowering buds mature at slightly different rates. Generally, these plants produce a large, central cola and a variety of smaller buds, from its branches and budding sites. The larger, central cola will always mature first. Consider harvesting this and allowing the remaining buds a few days more to develop. The plant will focus all its energy on these remaining buds, which, together with the additional exposure to the sun, can increase in size and density, considerably increasing your per-plant yields.
- Fresh Buds Within Legal Limits – Attitudes and state laws have changed over the years, with Marijuana and Cannabis legalized in many parts of the USA. With little investment, knowledge or experience, residents of these states can produce their own, top-quality Cannabis outdoors, at the lowest possible cost. By replacing a mature plant with a fresh, young seedling, an endless supply of buds can be harvested over the Spring, Summer and Fall.You may be permitted to grow only four, or six plants, but this is ample. With an average 12-weeks growing and flowering time required, you’ll be harvesting a fully-mature plant every 2 – 3 weeks. With very few ‘running-costs’ your costs per-ounce are incredibly low compared to purchasing buds at your local store. Reduce these costs even further by taking advantage of available deals and free Marijuana seed offers.
High-quality, feminized Autoflowering seeds cost money and buying smaller sized packets increases per-seed costs. While buying larger packs saves money, smoking the same buds constantly, can make you crave something different. After all, variety is the spice of life, or so they say. A solution is at hand. Mix Pack seeds offer big savings and a choice of three strains and packet sizes. Reduce your costs and enjoy a variety of flavor’s, aroma’s and effects
Find All The Best Mixed Autoflowering Seeds For Sale.

Autoflower Classic's Mix Pack
Autoflowering Classic Seeds Mix
If you’re looking for a variety of easy-to-grow Marijuana seeds, the Autoflower Classics Seeds Mix Pack is a perfect choice. Containing three classics strains. AK 47, Sour Diesel and Super Skunk

Autoflower Super Mix Pack
Autoflowering Super Seeds Mix
Great for beginners and those growers looking for a quick and easy harvest, these super-fast Autoflowering Marijuana seeds require no set hours of darkness to fully ripen and mature.

Autoflower Sweet Mix Pack
Autoflowering Sweet Seeds Mix
Their ‘throw-and-grow’ nature and smaller size makes them far easier to disguise and camouflage, while the 8 – 10 week total time from sprouting to harvest means several crops can be cultivated over the course of a full growing season.
Buy Cannabis Seeds From A Leading USA Seed Bank.
Buy Autoflowering Cannabis seeds online from one of the USA’s leading seed banks. All our seeds are dispatched directly by I Love Growing Marijuana, based in Modest, California. Enjoy fast, guaranteed delivery to all parts of the USA, included in the price.
Find a wide choice of Feminized seeds and Autoflowering strains, perfect for all levels of experience, growing styles and needs. Whether you grow indoors, or outside, recreational or medicinal, there’s a variety just right for you. Find uplifting Sativa’s and relaxing Indica’s, high THC, or increased CBD content.
Growing Cannabis isn’t difficult and only made easier with feminized Autoflowering strains. High-quality seeds produce the best buds, biggest yields and most mouth-watering flavors. There’s a wide choice available, find your new, fast-maturing favorite.
With reviews, reports and growing guides, you’ll find all the help and support you need when you buy Cannabis seeds online. Any questions or concerns regarding your purchase will be swiftly answered by the dedicated, I Love Growing Marijuana customer support team.
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